Blog Archive

Sunday, February 5, 2012

This Week in Review: smartlinks, playdates, stars and a patch

Let me just tell you how much these Smart Links mean to me. They mean I can get the whole kitchen clean or all the laundry done or 2 blog posts completed before I hear a peep outa this boy. Thank you Wendy's for having the absolute bestest kids meal toy in the history of kids meal toys! Aston started accumulating these things over the summer when Wendy's first had them. We had BB and Babs buying kids meals too because we couldn't get enough! It was a sad day when Wendy's made the switch to some Wheel of Fortune game! Babs even bought a 10 pack on eBay for $20 bucks recently and we thought that was great...UNTIL...we realized that this week Wendy's brought them back! I almost cried when I realized...and Aston was beside himself...he was screaming and doing a happy dance in his seat all the way home from the drive through. Later on this week I went back to Wendy's and asked if I could purchase the Smart Links with out the meal they said sure! I bought 10 at $.50 each! That's a happy Mom.

Aston finished this creation at 9:30pm last night (notice the droopy eyes). He "needed" to complete his twin spaceships before bed. Jeff and I are continually amazed at what he creates with these things. His perseverance and insistence that everything be symmetrical just blows us away...


In Stelly news this week, she had a followup eye appointment. She did great with being dilated (notice the disposable glasses) and never said a peep when Dr. D poked at her with his equipment. Here eye sight is great but did recommend that we patch her this time since she squints her right eye every time she's outside (her right eye is the one the wonders the most). So she now wears a patch 1-2 hours per day alternating eyes each day. She does great with the patch so far probably because she gets to pick out a different design each day that matches her outfit:)

photo 2-3.JPG

We had lots of play dates this week! Cole on Monday, Griffin on Tuesday, Kate on Wednesday and Mia on Thursday! (notice Mei's right eye squint on bottom right:))

photo playdate.JPG

We made it to 20 stars this week on the Good Girl and Good Boy star charts (usually takes 3-5 weeks). They both landed their 20 on the same day so they opened their "goal gifts" together. Aston wanted a Lego Spaceship Kit thing and Stelly requested a Rapunzel dress. It was a happy Monday at the Lees!

photo 1-2.JPG


betty said...

What a creative kid(s) you got there:) You need to send the picture(s) and story to Wendy's. I agree Smart Links are the bestest, and I've seen kids meal toys come and go since our kids were little (a LONG time)and there has never been a toy that is so safe, portable,and fun that can bring out the creativity of kids. Yay that they're back.
Mei looks so cute in the patch and she really makes a fashion statement wearing it. So glad she was not resistent to wearning the patch. Aside from the pretty patches she gets to wear, part of the reason she doesn't mind may be that when she's wearing the patch she doesn't get double vision as she would when either eye wonders out. Hope this does the trick of strengthing both eyes.

kate's corner said...

what a great review! love seeing the smart links in action. had no idea about these things. need to check them out. maybe wendy's for today. but man, would take a decade to accumulate like you did. very impressive asto. love the symmetry. really cool. patching seems like a breeze! what a relief! great sticking with the stickers! love the looking in the mirror pics! whoa!! playdate OVERLOAD!! glad you got pics of everyone. stelly in background of griffin and asty makes me laugh. cute icecream mia pic trying to figure where they are. see the squint. interesting what bb says, yes, mei probably is wanting to wear b/c maybe it does help her, no? have no idea about that stuff but you are on top of it/doing all the right things. and yes, send to wendys! engineering/builing/lego club here he comes ;)

Anonymous said...

hi Kate...great post of Aston and Stellyn showing their creative ideas!!! Aston may well be the next inventor of the century...Edison, Jobs and out...and Stellyn....Vera Wang, Tory Burch and Michael might think of hiring her now!!! love, Gram and Chuck

Emilia said...

Aw Mei is one of the few girls I know who can rock the patch and make it look fashionable. Am thinking A sees the same eye doc! Holy play date overload - the Lees house was hopping this past week! We just started good girl chart t home - will have to show e the reward pic. And holy Toledo mr. Math with those smart links- sign that kid up for some architecture classes fast! May have to start hitting wendys for some! (looks like such a big kid in that pic).

Ashley said...

Nice work Aston!! Those are SERIOUSLY impressive!!!

stell couldn't be cuter...eye patch and all!

Where were the Hall kids during all these playdates?!? We need to get together!

Jack made it to twenty stars tonight!! He's PUMPED to get his "prize" tomorrow after school. Kingsley's at 18, so am hoping she can catch up and get a prize at the same time as him. Just LOVE the star system!!!

dao said...

holy smart links! we have some of these too but no where near as many as aston! it's a great one to take to restaurants and such as a busy activity while waiting. so so impressed with the symmetry!!

brooke b said...

WOW w/ the links!! love the family commitment w/ them...buying the on ebay...that is love! :) love all the playdates. griff had a blast. need to have aston here pronto. had no idea about stellyn's eye...glad she loves the patch! she's as adorable as ever!

Anonymous said...

Ha!, I did the same thing the other day with the Smart Links. I went to Wendy's and bought several more packs and my Mom has been picking them up as well. My boys can't get enough and when the 4 year old didn't have enough to finish his space ship...well...let's just say it wasnt pretty!