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Monday, July 9, 2012

Last day of Preschool at SPWS

The end of May is always a busy one for the Lees and this one was no exception. The last day of school was the day after Stell's birthday this year. This was a special end of school celebration as it marked the end of Aston's preschool years...well sort least the end of his time at Sharon Presbyterian Weekday School since he will be attending Transitional Kindergarten next year at Charlotte Latin...

There was the usual Spring Sing...20120523-DSC_0481.jpg 20120523-DSC_0482.jpg20120523-DSC_0488.jpg20120523-DSC_0492.jpg 20120523-DSC_0501.jpg 20120523-DSC_0507.jpg

Aston always has to be front and center...performing his heart out...Ms. Stacie said she can see a career in Broadway...Jeff...earmuffs..
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This was Mrs. Pickett's last year at Sharon Pres...Aston was lucky to have her for her 34th and final year with the school...amazing!

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Then we had the usual picnic and playground times...


Suzie and Kate...


Suzie, Kate and Mia...


Then...insert Aston...


Here's where it got real tough for the moms of this threesome...emotionally I mean...what a chapter to close much many memories between them...

including this one: Aston's first bee sting on the last day of school...his girls took excellent care of him as usual...


after there's drama there must be silliness...


then posing because we bribed...


then kisses just because...

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what would we have done without these 2!


Here's where it all started...first ever day of school at barely 1 year old...

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kate's corner said...

aw great account! great lighting in gym. love the pic of eve :) and good coverage of aston's performance!

Kathryn said...

Love all the pictures Kate, they have come a long way since those baby pictures! Many more memories to come ;)

Anonymous said...

Love these school pictures...Stelly has on the dress I sent her for the pictures of Aston's girls taking care of him after the bee sting...physicians or nurse practitioners could be in the future! Love the pictures of A,K and M when they were very small...great comarisions to current pictures...what lovely friends you, Gram