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Sunday, September 2, 2012

A few photos from TK week one

The Halls and the Lees are carpooling to and fro Latin this year and other than the sometimes over excited boys chanting nonsensical songs in the car, it's worked out quit well!

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Aston's teacher's Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Hansbrough, have been great about taking pictures of the first few days of school and sharing them with the are some they have sent home this week:

The whole class:

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kate's corner said...

Love the music one...kate's like where am I?? They did the same thing too.

ps you have the group brick wall pic twice :)
love the first pic pre carpool! that's special.

Brooke Brown said...

carpool - such fun! love the driveway shots and love that the teachers kept you guys so connected. what an amazing school!