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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Stell does Miller Street

After her "performance" at the Y we didn't have high hopes for a "performance" at all here at the Miller Street Recital at Queens University. But it was a Saturday performance and she did say she only dances on Saturdays so our fingers were crossed and our bribes were high! We promised the world in baby dolls if she actually danced...and guess what?! it worked! she did it!

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So tiny compared to the teens...stelly is far was a packed house...our seats were in the way back...

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This photo that Babs shot is SO emotional...It shows how darn proud of her I am and just how much she knows it....

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We were all proud of her...even her big bro

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Then we walked back to BB's for some good eats!

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A random stranger insisted on taking these of me and the kids because she said she regrets never having shots of with her with her kids now that they are grown...


She even took these...Jeff drove the car to BB's which is why he's not pictured

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We are soooo so proud Stell...YOU DID IT!


1 comment:

kate's corner said...

Ok. wait. I'm so confused!? Did I never comment on this post!!?? I am bored/ bw is sports and i cannot do anymore editting of my own so was just perusing the Lees of months gone by/maybe things I went by too quicky and came across this one? I feel sure I read/commented but nothing??!

Either way, those pics that BABs took are all too much for me can totally relate of this pride for a daughter that shows her true colors. I just LOVE this so much. And love the b&w's of stell and her group. think maybe one should be chosen and printed. also, kind of want pic one to be a canvas in her room just sayin.

And did I forgot the passerby that took so many of you and babes! love these too!

So proud of our mei in retrospect too.

So talented, this one :).

and so sorry i didn't comment!!!??