Blog Archive

Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer 2012 Randomness in Video and iPhone Pics

May 2012 iPhone purge:

20120517-collage may 2012.jpgcollage aston and kate 2012.jpg

June 2012:

collage june 2012.jpg

July 2012:

collage july 2012.jpg

August 2012:

collage august 2012.jpg


kate's corner said...

Holy Cow ! you did it! iphone dumpage!! Even a few cheats too (horse, nice).

Here are my comments from yesterdays movie viewing...
Watched this as a sneak peek on vimeo ;). recording my comments so i wouldn't forget...
loved all the swimming. your kids are such fish and that is soo awesome. so glad you captured.

love the doll tea party. i know it well. it's so girl.

nice speech asto...what??!! wine, beer and soda?

always awesome swings. incredible!

so pretty of mei at the end.

man great summer. cheers to fall.

Brooke Brown said...

wow!! full summer!! love all the shots and many made me giggle (aston and friend in undies?? hehe) . so much fun!! love the iphone dump. love love love it.