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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Potty News Volume 1

***UPDATE***: Aston had his 2 year checkup today and Dr. Richter told us that she doesn’t recommend potty training in general until at least 2.5 years especially for boys. She says they don’t have the physical capacity to empty their bladder fully…apparently they don’t have a good ability to start and stop the flow of urine yet and it is asking a lot for a 2 year old to hold it until they can find a potty. She also said most 2 year olds do not have the mental capacity to assume the potty responsibility until 2.5…and usually 3 for boys! She said go ahead and play but just know it probably will be a while before we can say he’s trained…but she did say he is doing quite well for a boy and it might just work? Funny enough she said go ahead and use pull-ups…she’s not afraid of them when used in conjunction with going naked/underwear so they know how it feels.

Ok this may be the only “volume” for quite a while…and it is a little too early to say we are potty training but it’s still really big news in the Lee household. Aston has pee-peed in the potty everyday since we started about 5 days ago! And poop-pooped 1x!

Here’s how it went this week:


Pee Pee

Poop Poop


The Story

Saturday100While I was giving Stelly a bath Jeff had Aston on the potty watching a skateboarding competition on TV. He told him he could watch if he sat on the Potty…next thing we know he had done it! They brought the potty in to the bathroom to show Stelly and me…Aston said “fist pump, Mommy, I did it!”. Pictures were taken, kisses were given and “emmies” were eaten!

We were upstairs getting him ready for bed and he still had no diaper on so we said “aston do you want to go potty before bed?” he took one look at his potty upstairs and said “nope”…then we said “ok then we need to put a diapy on you”… he ran away and started making his way downstairs. Halfway down he said “downstairs…right back” I make my way downstairs and see him sitting on the potty! And he went! We threw him in the air and gave him a matchbox car…

Monday111We were home all day so he was diaper-less for most of the day. He pee-peed in the morning with no prompting then poo-pooped in the afternoon. I had just got him out of bed from nap and he said poop poop so I took off his diaper and he sat down. He then ordered me to “Mommy, sit down over there” meaning far away from him:) and he went! I was floored…I took him in the bathroom we flushed it and wiped him clean!
Tuesday200Pee-Pee #1: he was watching his new Thomas DVD given to him from Dao and Jacob…Pee-Pee #2: Jeff asked him if he had to go before bed, he said “yup” and ran to the potty and went! Reward was Rasinettes:)
Wednesday100Just one pee-pee today…just before bed we asked him if he needed to go…said YES and went…Reward was to share an ice cream sandwich with Daddy:)

Bottom line is…this very well could be a fad…all new and exciting right now but I am thinking once he realizes that this is a pretty big responsibility for such a little person, he may revert. He has asked for us to put his diaper back on many times lately…because he needs that security…and we put it right on for him…don’t want to freak him out.


The reward: We saved his birthday present from Gram just for an event like this. We placed his present (he knew it was a “brrrm brrrm”) above the spot where we have his potty in the kitchen as a reminder of what he would get if he pee-peed on the potty. I think this incentive got us to where we are today potty-use-wise. He earned this cool Jaguar on Saturday for his first pee-pee and hasn’t gone many places without it since!



brooke b said...

Go Aston! That is AWESOME (esp for a boy!....many take until their 3+ a few months). YIPPEE!

kate's corner said...

cutest picture! i feel like it will only get easier and easier!

Anonymous said...

aston is such a champ! i just read your update and i don't think you should let that discourage you but don't push him either you know what i mean? i think if he is making progress you should run with it. i know they say it takes longer for boys but my friend's boy was completely potty trained during the day before he was 2.5 yrs so i really think it can be done but not pushing it. loving your photos!!!

Anonymous said... glad Gram and Chuck's birthday Jaguar car was an encourager for Aston's first pee in his potty!! yea! Aston (and Mom and Dad)

Love the pee and poop spread sheat!! love, Gram

amybradley said...

Hip, Hip, Hooray! What a great job, Aston!!! I'm very jealous, BTW. I was hoping to have one semi-diaper-less child when we get to DC, but I'm completely not even mentioning it right now, since she doesn't seem that all that interested...