Blog Archive

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Old lady face

Mei’s “old lady face” comes out big time during tummy time.  The wrinkled forehead, thinning hair and saggy cheeks kill me. Tummy time for Stelly is far and few between because her brother will attack her (lovingly of course) if I put her on the floor. Look how good she is on her belly…Aston hated being on his belly…she seems to enjoy it a little bit…love how she tries so hard to lift her little head…

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Emilia said...

OMG - can she get a little cuter? she looks like she's kinda worried/thinking about some deep philosophical stuff. can't wait to see you guys (and thanks for the sweet birth announcement - am just now getting my mail!) -d&e.

amybradley said...

Look at Stelly!! She is so, so cute!