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Saturday, July 14, 2012

And he's off!!!

Pop came this week and one of the first things Aston asked him was if he would take the training wheels off Mei Mei's bike. He's been wanting to learn on her bike because that is how is pal Jack Hall learned...on his sister Kingsley's girly but much smaller bike.

Pop loves this sort of thing so off they came in a jiffy and off he went...making Jeff and I feel like such neglectful parents for not taking action sooner. He got on the seat as I held the handlebars and he started pedaling and and yelling "Mom let go you are pulling me over!" so I let go and sure enough he had this thing in the bag!

The very next day, with encouragement from my friends Anne and Ashley, Pop took the training wheels off his big bike and it was a seamless transition. He was racing Dad and Pop in no time. Now we can't get him off!!! Way to go bud! Whew! and a week before you turn 5!


kate's corner said...

so proud ASTO!!!!! the girls go
t a huge kick out of pop on the bike! So proud! v hll;mjkll m,;;gddhjkkkkoi90iuoddv,kg b

(eve's comment)

Emilia said...

yeah aston!!! awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing Aston! Chuck and I are so fun to see Pop ride Aston's bike...and Stelly's, too??
Stellyn thank you for sharing your bike with Aston so he could learn to ride...pretty soon Stellyn will be riding a 2 wheeler, too!

I remember when Pop taught Kate how to ride a two wheeler...she was 5 years old! love, Gram

dao said...

omg that's huge!!! why did i get tears in my eyes from watching this?? lol. so proud of you aston! fav part was then seeing your dad on the bike. hahaha

Ashley said...

Yay Aston!!

Love the cute! Such a big, big moment learning how to ride a bike. just love how it becomes the only thing they want to do. when's he coming over to the hall house to ride?

or how bout riding with us for bagels???