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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Stell First Day in MWF 3's

Stell is more than ready to rule the roost at Sharon Presbyterian Weekday School without being under the shadow of her brother. It probably doesn't hurt that her BFF Lylee is now in her class too and that BFF Evie will now be across the hall from fact that was the reason she had to pick out a fancy twirly dress last night so she could show it to her girls this morning on their first day. She had it on at 6am this morning...oye...

Here are the shots we took this morning...they could not have been sweeter for the photo shoot!...had nothing to do with the marshmallows we promised I'm sure:)

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luv2cknbk said...

awwww, so cute and sooooo big.

kate's corner said...

The are the sweetest ever!!! Love those last few bw's. Good work yes you get the cookie monster cookie next time! Glad u got those of s and L too. Love eves expression in last

BA said...

These are the best!!! You get the award for sure!! Gigi? Did I mention I love these?! Beauty-full girlies.

Emilia said...

Great shots! Love the letters and numbers - clever!

Ashley said...

Love the color WMF cute!!!

And love Stell's gold shoes. All those pretty girls are dressed to impress!!

Brooke Brown said...

oh my word -- these are AMAZING!! so cute and adorable. love all the numbers and letters. LOVE!